
The course runs from October to June, but newcomers are welcome to join in at any time (the first class is free!). Our classes are held in English (Madrid) and in Spanish (El Escorial).
You only need soft dancing shoes and comfortable clothing ... you do not even have to bring a partner!
The level in class is mixed, with easy, intermediate, and more difficult dances interleaved. Usually 3-4 dances are taught per class, depending on their complexity and time needed to learn them. The class starts with a 10-minutes warming up for everybody. When there are enough people, we split the group for the next section of the class and then everybody joins again.

If you are a beginner. Starting off at a basic level, we teach a block of simple figures: their rhythms, structures and the steps involved. Then, we will put all that into different dances. What makes Scottish Country Dances so attractive is that from the very first lesson, you begin to dance.

If you are an experienced dancer. We keep practicing and "polishing" easy dances, but more complex formations and dances will be taught with an eye on the programs of upcoming events. Written instructions (cribs and sometimes diagrams) of the dances are usually provided.

Where and when

Madrid City: The Schiehallion Madrid Group
   - Venue: Centro:Progreso Musical 
                  Calle Tutor, 52 - Sala 38
                  28008 Madrid
   - Subway: Arguelles   
   - Day: Tuesday, from 19:00 to 21:00
   - Price: 15 €/month (members); 4€/class (First time is free) and
     4€ visitors.
   - Language: English

El Escorial: Caledonian Grace Group

   - Venue: Centro Cultural Villa de El Escorial
                 C/ Sagrado Corazón, 5
   - Day: Saturdays, from 11:30 to 13:00
   - Price: Free
   - Language: Spanish

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